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NETFLEA.COM – SERVICE PRICING (updated 7th Feb 2024)

Delivery costs

Buying per order

7,90 €

Buying, return

7,90 €

Selling, request back

9,90 €

Undelivered order 19,90 € *

* Deducted from sales proceeds only.


Service fees

Selling fee

Selling fee is dependent on the product's original price, defined by the seller: *

2,90 €, when original price between 0,01 - 4,99 €
3,90 €, when original price between 5,00 - 14,99 €
4,90 €, when original price at least 15,00 € (or greater)

Item specific logistics fee

1,49 € / product **

Sales period extension

0,50 € / product **


* Added to the price defined by the seller.

** Deducted from sales proceeds only.



Sales proceeds

Crediting the sales proceeds to the user account

0 €

Transferring the sales proceeds credit to a bank account over 10.00 € sum

0 €

Transferring the sales proceeds credit to a bank account under 10.00 € sum

1 €


User account management fees

Opening a user account

0 €

Monthly fee for an active user account

0 €

Monthly fee for a passive user account

5 €/ month after 12 months of no log in*


*Until the account balance reaches € 0



Sales period

Standard Sales Period

24 weeks

Sales Period Extension

8 weeks


Price reduction / Product

20 % from the original price defined by the seller

after 5 weeks

40 % from the original price defined by the seller

after 10 weeks

60 % from the original price defined by the seller

after 15 weeks

80 % from the original price defined by the seller

after 20 weeks

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